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Experiment 2: Incremental Learning / Inductive Transfer

Figure: A $23 \times 23$ labyrinth. The arrow indicates the agent's initial position and direction. Numbers indicate goal positions. The higher the number, the more difficult the goal. The agent's task is to find all goal positions in a given ``goalset''. Goalsets change over time.
\begin{figure}\begin{center}\epsfxsize = 8cm \epsfysize = 8cm
\epsfig{figure = labyrinth2.eps}\end{center} \end{figure}

This section will show that ALS can use experience to significantly reduce average search time consumed by successive LS calls in cases where there are more and more complex tasks to solve (inductive transfer), and that ALS can be further improved by plugging it into SSA.

Task. Figure 2 shows a $23 \times 23$ maze and 7 different goal positions marked 1,2,...,7. With a given goal, the task is to reach it from the start state. Each goal is further away from start than goals with lower numbers. We create 4 different ``goalsets'' $G_1$, $G_2$, $G_3$, $G_4$. $G_i$ contains goals 1, 2, ..., 3 + i. One simulation consists of 40 ``epochs'' $E_1$, $E_2$, ... $E_{40}$. During epochs $E_{10(i-1) + 1}$ to $E_{10i}$, all goals in $G_i$ $(i
= 1,2,3,4)$ have to be found in order of their distances to the start. Finding a goal yields reward 1.0 divided by solution path length (short paths preferred). There is no negative reward for collisions. During each epoch, we update the probability matrices $P$, $\bar{P}$ and $\hat{P}$ whenever a goal is found (for all epochs dealing with goalset $G_n$ there are $n+3$ updates). For each epoch we store the total number of steps required to find all goals in the corresponding goalset. We compare two variants of incremental learning, METHOD 1 and METHOD 2:

{\bf METHOD 1 --- inter-goalset resets.} Whenever the goals...
...goalset transfer for solving goalsets with
an additional, more difficult goal.}}

Comparison. We compare LS by itself, ALS by itself, and SSA+ALS, for both METHODs 1 and 2.

LS results. Using $c = 0.005$ and $MAXR = 15$, LS needed $17.3 *
10^6$ time steps to find goal 7 (without any kind of incremental learning or inductive transfer).

Learning rate influence. To find optimal learning rates minimizing the total number of steps during simulations of ALS and SSA+ALS, we tried all learning rates $\gamma$ in {0.01, 0.02,..., 0.95}. We found that SSA+ALS is fairly learning rate independent: it solves all tasks with all learning rates in acceptable time ($10^8$ time steps), whereas for ALS without SSA (and METHOD 2) only small learning rates are feasible - large learning rate subspaces do not work for many goals. Thus, the first type of SSA-generated speed-up lies in the lower expected search time for appropriate learning rates.

With METHOD 1, ALS performs best with a fixed learning rate $\gamma =
0.32$, and SSA+ALS performs best with $\gamma = 0.45$, with additional uniform noise in $[ -0.05, 0.05 ]$ (noise tends to improve SSA+ALS's performance a little bit, but worsens ALS' performance). With METHOD 2, ALS performs best with $\gamma = 0.05$, and SSA+ALS performs best with $\gamma = 0.2$ and added noise in $[ -0.05, 0.05 ]$.

Table: For METHODs 1 and 2, we list the number of steps (in thousands) required by LS, ALS, SSA+ALS to find all goals in a specific goalset during the goalset's first epoch (for optimal learning rates). The probability matrices are adapted each time a goal is found. The topmost LS row refers only to the most difficult goals in each goalset (those with maximal numbers). ALS outperforms LS on all goalsets but the first, and SSA+ALS achieves additional speed-ups. SSA+ALS works well for all learning rates, ALS by itself does not. Also, all our incremental learning procedures clearly outperform LS by itself.
Algorithm METHOD SET 1 SET 2 SET 3 SET 4  
LS last goal   4.3 1,014 9,505 17,295  
LS   8.7 1,024 10,530 27,820  
ALS 1 12.9 382 553 650  
SSA + ALS 1 12.2 237 331 405  
ALS 2 13.0 487 192 289  
SSA + ALS 2 11.5 345 85 230  

For METHODs 1 and 2 and all goalsets $G_i$ ($i = 1,2,3,4$), Table 1 lists the numbers of steps required by LS, ALS, SSA+ALS to find all of $G_i$'s goals during epoch $E_{(i-1)*10+1}$, in which the agent encounters the goal positions in the goalset for the first time.

ALS versus LS. ALS performs much better than LS on goalsets $G_2, G_3, G_4$. ALS does not help to to improve performance on $G_1$'s goalset, though (epoch $E_1$), because there are many easily discoverable programs solving the first few goals.

SSA+ALS versus ALS. SSA+ALS always outperforms ALS by itself. For optimal learning rates, the speed-up factor for METHOD 1 ranges from 6 % to 67 %. The speed-up factor for METHOD 2 ranges from 13 % to 26 %. Recall, however, that there are many learning rates where ALS by itself completely fails, while SSA+ALS does not. SSA+ALS is more robust.

Example of bias shifts undone. For optimal learning rates, the biggest speed-up occurs for $G_3$. Here SSA decreases search costs dramatically: after goal 5 is found, the policy ``overfits'' in the sense that it is too much biased towards problem 5's optimal (lowest complexity) solution: (1) Repeat step forward until blocked, rotate left. (2) Jump (1,11). (3) Repeat step forward until blocked, rotate right. (4) Repeat step forward until blocked, rotate right. Problem 6's optimal solution can be obtained from this by replacing the final instruction by (4) Jump (3,3). This represents a significant change though (3 probability distributions) and requires time. Problem 5, however, can also be solved by replacing its lowest complexity solution's final instruction by (4) Jump (3,1). This increases complexity but makes learning problem 6 easier, because less change is required. After problem 5 has been solved using the lowest complexity solution, SSA eventually suspects ``overfitting'' because too much computation time goes by without sufficient new rewards. Before discovering goal 6, SSA undoes apparently harmful probability shifts until SSC is satisfied again. This makes Jump instructions more likely and speeds up the search for a solution to problem 6.

METHOD 1 versus METHOD 2. METHOD 2 works much better than METHOD 1 on $G_3$ and $G_4$, but not as well on $G_2$ (for $G_1$ both methods are equal -- differences in performance can be explained by different learning rates which were optimized for the total task). Why? Optimizing a policy for goals 1--4 will not necessarily help to speed up discovery of goal 5, but instead cause a harmful bias shift by overtraining the probability matrices. METHOD 1, however, can extract enough useful knowledge from the first 4 goals to decrease search costs for goal 5.

Table: For all goalsets we list numbers of steps consumed by ALS and SSA+ALS to find all goals of goalset $G_i$ during the final epoch $E_{10i}$.
Algorithm METHOD SET 1 SET 2 SET 3 SET 4  
ALS 2 675 9,442 10,220 9,321  
SSA + ALS 2 442 1,431 3,321 4,728  
ALS 1 379 1,125 2,050 3,356  
SSA + ALS 1 379 1,125 2,050 2,673  

More SSA benefits. Table 2 lists the number of steps consumed during the final epoch $E_{10i}$ of each goalset $G_i$ (the results of LS by itself are identical to those in table 1). Using SSA typically improves the final result, and never worsens it. Speed-up factors range from 0 to 560 %.

Table: The total number of steps (in thousands) consumed by LS, ALS, SSA+ALS (1) during one entire simulation, (2) during all the first epochs of all goalsets, (3) during all the final epochs of all goalsets.
LS   39,385      
ALS 2 1,820 980 29.7  
ALS 1 1,670 1,600 6.91  
SSA + ALS 1 1,050 984 6.23  
SSA + ALS 2 873 671 9.92  

For all goalsets Table 3 lists the total number of steps consumed during all epochs of one simulation, the total number of all steps for those epochs ($E_1$, $E_{11}$, $E_{21}$, $E_{31}$) in which new goalsets are introduced, and the total number of steps required for the final epochs ($E_{10}$, $E_{20}$, $E_{30}$, $E_{40}$). SSA always improves the results. For the total number of steps -- which is an almost linear function of the time consumed during the simulation -- the SSA-generated speed-up is 60% for METHOD 1 and 108 % for METHOD 2 (the ``fully incremental'' method). Although METHOD 2 speeds up performance during each goalset's first epoch (ignoring the costs that occurred before introduction of this goalset), final results are better without inter-goalset learning. This is not so surprising: by using policies optimized for previous goalsets, we generate bias shifts for speeding up discovery of new, acceptable solutions, without necessarily making optimal solutions of future tasks more likely (due to ``evolutionary ballast'' from previous solutions).

LS by itself needs $27.8 * 10^6$ steps for finding all goals in $G_4$. Recall that $17.3 *
10^6$ of them are spent for finding only goal 7. Using inductive transfer, however, we obtain large speed-up factors. METHOD 1 with SSA+ALS improves performance by a factor in excess of 40 (see results of SSA+ALS on the first epoch of $G_4$). Figure 3(A) plots performance against epoch numbers. Each time the goalset changes, initial search costs are large (reflected by sharp peaks). Soon, however, both methods incorporate experience into the policy. We see that SSA keeps initial search costs significantly lower.

Figure: (A) Average number of steps per epoch required to find all of the current goalset's goals, plotted against epoch numbers. Peaks reflect goalset changes. (B) Average probability of programs computing solutions (before solutions are actually found).
\begin{figure}\begin{center}\epsfxsize = 6cm \epsfysize = 7cm \epsfig{figure = R...
... =
6cm \epsfysize = 7cm \epsfig{figure = Algo_mixed.eps}\end{center}\end{figure}

The safety net effect. Figure 3(B) plots epoch numbers against average probability of programs computing solutions. With METHOD 1, SSA+ALS tends to keep the probabilities lower than ALS by itself: high program probabilities are not always beneficial. With METHOD 2, SSA undoes many policy modifications when goalsets change, thus keeping the policy flexible and reducing initial search costs.

Effectively, SSA is controlling the prior on the search space such that overall average search time is reduced, given a particular task sequence. For METHOD 1, after $E_{40}$ the number of still valid modifications of policy components (probability distributions) is 377 for ALS, but only 61 for SSA+ALS (therefore, 61 is SSA+ALS's total final stack size). For METHOD 2, the corresponding numbers are 996 and 63. We see that SSA keeps only about 16% respectively 6% of all modifications. The remaining modifications are deemed unworthy because they have not been observed to trigger lifelong reward speed-ups. Clearly, SSA prevents ALS from overdoing its policy modifications (``safety net effect''). This is SSA's simple, basic purpose: undo certain learning algorithms' policy changes and bias shifts once they start looking harmful in terms of long-term reward/time ratios.

It should be clear that the SSA+ALS implementation is just one of many possible SSA applications -- we may plug many alternative learning algorithms into the basic cycle.

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Juergen Schmidhuber 2003-02-25

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