Optimal Ordered Problem Solver OOPS: TR IDSIA-12-02; arXiv:cs.AI/0207097, July 2002 (also NIPS 2002) Slides in www.idsia.ch/~juergen/oops2002/


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Optimal Ordered Problem Solver OOPS: TR IDSIA-12-02; arXiv:cs.AI/0207097, July 2002 (also NIPS 2002) Slides in www.idsia.ch/~juergen/oops2002/

2003: Kolmogorov’s 100th birthday

Main result (informally)

First: Non-Incremental Universal Search


Incremental Search?

OOPS vs Lsearch

More precisely: Searching a solver for all tasks in the sequence:

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Recursive Backtracking in Program Space

Realistic OOPS applications

Pilot implementation: Universal FORTH-like language (many other languages / primitives are possible)

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Experiment 1: context free language 1n2n

Experiment 2: Towers of Hanoi

Towers of Hanoi: incremental solutions

What the found Hanoi solver does:

OOPS for virtual robots (Viktor Zhumatiy, IDSIA)

OOPS for snake robot (movie)

No Free Lunch? (skip?)

Physical Limitations of OOPS (skip?)

OOPS for Reinforcement Learning (skip?)

I could stop the talk here, but if there is time: IDSIA primitives that may help to bias OOPS

Potential OOPS primitive: Genetic Programming

Potential OOPS primitive: Adaptive Grids Milano, Koumoutsakos (ETHZ), Schmidhuber, ICANN 2001

AG Example 2 (movie)

Adaptive Grid Application: Evolving Active Flow Control M. Milano, P. Koumoutsakos (ETHZ), J. Schmidhuber

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Excellent drag reduction: ~60% (movie)

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OOPS primitives for recurrent neural networks (Matteo Gagliolo, IDSIA, ongoing)

BTW, our LSTM Recurrent Networks are in a league by themselves

Leslie Pack Kaelbling, co-director of MIT AI lab

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Author: J. Schmidhuber

Email: juergen@idsia.ch

Home Page: http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/oops.html