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T. C. Bell, J. G. Cleary, and I. H. Witten,
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Beyond Regression: New Tools for Prediction and Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences,
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Table 1: Average compression ratios (and corresponding variances) of various compression algorithms tested on short German text files ($<20000$ Bytes) from the unknown test set from Münchner Merkur.
Method Av. compression ratio Variance
Huffman Coding (UNIX: pack) 1.74 0.0002
Lempel-Ziv Coding (UNIX: compress) 1.99 0.0014
METHOD 3, $n=5$ 2.20 0.0014
Improved Lempel-Ziv ( UNIX: gzip -9) 2.29 0.0033
METHOD 1, $n=5$ 2.70 0.0158
METHOD 2, $n=5$ 2.72 0.0234

Table 2: Average compression ratios and variances for the Frankenpost. The neural predictor was not retrained.
Method Av. compression ratio Variance
Huffman Coding (UNIX: pack) 1.67 0.0003
Lempel-Ziv Coding (UNIX: compress) 1.71 0.0036
METHOD 3, $n=5$ 1.99 0.0013
Improved Lempel-Ziv ( UNIX: gzip -9) 2.03 0.0099
METHOD 1, $n=5$ 2.25 0.0077
METHOD 2, $n=5$ 2.20 0.0112

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Juergen Schmidhuber 2003-02-19