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Speed Prior-Based Inductive Inference

Given S, as we observe an initial segment $x \in B^*$ of some string, which is the most likely continuation? Consider x's finite continuations $xy, y \in B^*$. According to Bayes (compare Equation (15)),

 \begin{displaymath}S(xy \mid x) = \frac{S(x \mid xy) S(xy)} {S(x)}
= \frac{S(xy)} {S(x)},
\end{displaymath} (48)

where $S(z^2 \mid z^1)$ is the measure of z2, given z1. Having observed x we will predict those y that maximize $S(xy \mid x)$. Which are those? In what follows, we will confirm the intuition that for $n \rightarrow \infty$ the only probable continuations of xn are those with fast programs. The sheer number of ``slowly'' computable strings cannot balance the speed advantage of ``more quickly'' computable strings with equal beginnings.

Definition 6.4 (tex2html_wrap_inline$p < k_i x$ etc.)   Write $p \stackrel{< k}{\longrightarrow} x$ if finite program p ($p \to x$) computes x within less than k steps, and $p \stackrel{< k}{\longrightarrow_i} x$ if it does so within PHASE i of FAST. Similarly for $p \stackrel{\leq k}{\longrightarrow} x$ and $p \stackrel{\leq k}{\longrightarrow_i} x$ (at most k steps), $p \stackrel{= k}{\longrightarrow} x$, (exactly k steps), $p \stackrel{\geq k}{\longrightarrow} x$, (at least k steps), $p \stackrel{> k}{\longrightarrow} x$ (more than k steps).

Theorem 6.1   Suppose $x \in B^{\infty}$ is S-describable, and $p^x \in B^*$ outputs xn within at most f(n) steps for all n, and g(n) > O(f(n)). Then

lim_{n \to \infty}
\frac{ \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} 2^{...
...p \stackrel{\leq f(n)}{\longrightarrow_i} x_n} 2^{-l(p)}}
= 0.

Proof. Since no program that requires at least g(n) steps for producing xn can compute xn in a phase with number < log g(n), we have

\begin{displaymath}Q(x,g,f) \leq
lim_{n \to \infty}
{\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} ...
...m_{p \stackrel{= f(n)}{\longrightarrow_i} x_n}2^{-l(p)}}

\begin{displaymath}lim_{n \to \infty}
\frac{ f(n) \sum_{p \to x_n} 2^{-l(p)} }
\frac{ f(n) }
{ g(n) }
\frac{ 1 }
{ 2^{-l(p^x)} } = 0.

Here we have used the Kraft inequality [#!Kraft:49!#] to obtain a rough upper bound for the enumerator: when no p is prefix of another one, then $\sum_{p} 2^{-l(p)} \leq 1.$ $\Box$

Hence, if we know a rather fast finite program px for x, then Theorem 6.1 allows for predicting: if we observe some xn (n sufficiently large) then it is very unlikely that it was produced by an x-computing algorithm much slower than px.

Among the fastest algorithms for x is FAST itself, which is at least as fast as px, save for a constant factor. It outputs xn after O(2Kt(xn)) steps. Therefore Theorem 6.1 tells us:

Corollary 6.1   Let $x \in B^{\infty}$ be S-describable. For $n \to \infty$, with probability 1 the continuation of xn is computable within O(2Kt(xn)) steps.

Given observation x with $l(x) \to \infty$, we predict a continuation y with minimal Kt(xy).

Example 6.1   Consider Example 1.2 and Equation (1). According to the weak anthropic principle, the conditional probability of a particular observer finding herself in one of the universes compatible with her existence equals 1. Given S, we predict a universe with minimal Kt. Short futures are more likely than long ones: the probability that the universe's history so far will extend beyond the one computable in the current phase of FAST (that is, it will be prolongated into the next phase) is at most 50 %. Infinite futures have measure zero.

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Juergen Schmidhuber

Related links: In the beginning was the code! - Zuse's thesis - Life, the universe, and everything - Generalized Algorithmic Information - Speed Prior - The New AI