This is the published URL of "FACIAL BEAUTY AND FRACTAL GEOMETRY", Note IDSIA-28-98, June 1998, by Jürgen Schmidhuber (five color figures, ~ 450K). In the first days after its announcement on Mon Jun 15 1998 we have experienced unusually strong demand for this document. Due to limited net capacity several thousands of the many download attempts led to incomplete results. Friendly observers on the web noticed this and established mirror sites. Things have calmed down since then; only few of the mirror sites are still up.

However, in February 2005 we typed facial beauty into, and this link still came out on top of 6,030,000 hits.

1. Online Publication in the cogprint archive, UK, 1998.

2. This is our original low-complexity face link which temporally broke down due to unexpected overload.

3. This is an overview page on the complexity-based theory of beauty and on Low-Complexity Art.

4. This is an example of low-complexity art: Femme Fractale.

5. Check out how the Formal theory of creativity (1990-2010) explains science, art, music, humor.