Computer Vision with Fast Deep Neural Nets Etc Yield Best Results on Many Visual Pattern Recognition Benchmarks
Handwriting Recognition with Fast Deep Neural Nets & LSTM Recurrent Nets (Juergen Schmidhuber)
Switzerland - best country in the world? Leading the world in science, Nobel Prizes, patents, publications, citations, quality of life, competitiveness, happiness, many sports
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The EU - a new kind of empire?
Cogbotlab Juergen Schmidhuber at TU Munich Computer Science CoTeSys: Schmidhuber's group robot population explosion Lugano, Switzerland
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2013/2014: Join the team that won more competitions in machine learning and pattern recognition than any other team: JOBS for Postdocs (& PhD Students) in Machine Learning & Evolution & Robotics in Jürgen Schmidhuber's group at the Swiss AI Lab IDSIA, especially for the ProtoTouch project, initially for 2 years, with possibility of prolongation. Update of 20 Dec 2013: all positions except for one are filled. We still have not found the perfect ProtoTouch Experienced Researcher (to be funded by a prestigious Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship) - its online form reopened on 20 Dec 2013 - next deadline 20 Jan 2014 - see column to the right. There is now a somewhat redundant job ad with keyword pro2014 just for this.

We are seeking outstanding postdocs (and PhD students) with experience / interest in topics such as deep learning neural networks (NN), recurrent neural networks (RNN), GPU programming, evolutionary computation, RNN evolution, adaptive robotics, curiosity-driven learning & intrinsic motivations based on our theory of surprise and interestingness and the Formal Theory of Fun & Creativity, computer vision and 3D animation, reinforcement learning & policy gradients for partially observable environments, hierarchical reinforcement learning, statistical / Bayesian approaches to machine learning, statistical robotics, unsupervised learning, general artificial intelligence, universal learning machines. The general goal is to advance the state of the art in machine learning and AI, in the context of various concrete research projects.

Most of the funding is provided by four research projects outlined below. For now, we are mainly interested in candidates applying for a prestigious Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship for the ProtoTouch project. But you will also collaborate on other projects with other lab members - we are one big family!

1. The ProtoTouch (EU-PEOPLE) project investigates novel touch-based user interfaces (e.g., touch screens for mobile devices, touch pads for computers). In a consortium of 10 European research institutes, you will help to develop and apply machine learning methods such as deep learning neural networks to investigate the performance of novel tactile displays, and biological processes responsible for touch. Candidates should have multidisciplinary research interests in areas like machine learning, electronic devices and neurophysiology. ProtoTouch candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Switzerland for more than 1 year in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment. Postdocs must fulfil the "experienced researcher" requirements of the Marie Curie regulations: at least 4 years but less than 5 years of "full time research experience." PhD students must fulfil the "early-stage researcher" requirements. See page 4 of the Marie Curie guidelines (PDF).

2. A general SNF research project aims at improving methods for deep learning and recurrent networks.

3. The NASCENCE EU (STREP) project requires expertise in machine learning and evolutionary computation (genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, estimation algorithms, neuroevolution). We intend to apply evolutionary algorithms to automatically discover the electrical signals which transform a nano-particle substrate (e.g. networks of nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes or films of graphene) into useful computational circuits.

4. The WAY EU (STREP) project on wearable interfaces and hand function recovery requires signal processing for EEG analysis combined with machine learning (recurrent neural networks, optimization). The goal is to develop and apply algorithms that facilitate control of hand prostheses and hand exoskeletons through brain-computer interfaces, in collaboration with partner institutes. We focus on practical application of hand-assistive devices, with a strong involvement of patients in clinical trials.

Our international project partners include neuroscientists, mathematicians, psychologists, roboticists, and other experts from the UK, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia, France, and the US.

Start: 2013 (or early 2014).

The Swiss AI Lab IDSIA was the smallest of the world's top ten AI labs listed in the 1997 "X-Lab Survey" by Business Week magazine, and ranked in fourth place in the category "Computer Science - Biologically Inspired". IDSIA's most important work was done after 1997 though. It is small but visible, competitive, and influential. For example, it recently won many international pattern recognition competitions. Its highly cited Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms broke numerous benchmark records and are now widely used in industry for routing, logistics etc (today entire conferences specialize on Artificial Ants). IDSIA is also the origin of the first mathematical theory of optimal Universal Artificial Intelligence and self-referential Universal Problem Solvers (previous work on general AI was dominated by heuristics). IDSIA's artificial Recurrent Neural Networks learn to solve numerous previous unlearnable sequence processing tasks through gradient descent, Artificial Evolution and other methods. Research topics also include complexity and generalization issues, unsupervised learning and information theory, forecasting, learning robots. IDSIA's results were reviewed not only in science journals such as Nature, Science, Scientific American, but also in numerous popular press articles in TIME magazine, the New York Times, der SPIEGEL, and many others. Numerous TV shows on Tech & Science helped to popularize IDSIA's achievements.

INSTRUCTIONS: submit your CV, a brief statement of research interests, and a list of 3 references and their email addresses to In the subject header, mention your full name, the keyword eu2013, and either phd or postdoc. For example, if your name is Jo Mo, and you are applying for a PhD fellowship, use subject: Jo Mo phd eu2013. If you are a POSTDOC or experienced researcher applying for ProtoTouch (our main still open position), YOU MUST SUBMIT YOUR MATERIAL ALSO TO SUPSI through THIS ONLINE FORM (temporarily closed but open again from 20 Dec 2013 - 20 Jan 2014)! We will keep accepting applications until all positions are filled.

Requirements are also published within the "Direttive interne SUPSI" (direttiva 7A, Art. 2) and within "Regolamento del personale SUPSI" on the website (follow SUPSI, Documenti ufficiali).

(BTW, there are additional PhD jobs financed by USI which also may indirectly lead to supervision by JS.)

Highly competitive salaries & low Swiss taxes. There is travel funding in case of papers accepted at important conferences. (Salaries for ProtoTouch follow EU-PEOPLE rules based on years of experience.) The occupancy degree is 100%. (Here a previous similar job announcement of 2009.) Standard salaries: Postdoc CHF 72,000 / year (>US$ 81,000 / year as of 16 Dec 2013); PhD student CHF 42,000 / year (>US$ 47,000). Low taxes. There is travel funding in case of papers accepted at important conferences.

Teaching? There is an opportunity to participate in teaching courses (in English) on robotics or machine learning, e.g., in the master's program at the University of Lugano.

IDSIA's location: just outside the beautiful city of Lugano in Ticino (pics), the scenic southern Swiss province. Milano, Italy's center of fashion and finance, is 1 hour away, Venice 3 hours.

IDSIA is affiliated with the University of Lugano (USI) and USI's Faculty of Informatics and SUPSI. Check out some IDSIA alumni who went on to become profs.

Official language at IDSIA is English.

Switzerland is the world's leading science nation. It is the origin of special relativity (1905) and the World Wide Web (1990), is associated with 105 Nobel laureates, and boasts far more Nobel prizes per capita than any other nation. It also has the world's highest number of publications per capita, the highest number of patents per capita, the highest citation impact factor, the most cited single-author paper, etc, etc. As of 2012, Switzerland is once more the world's most competitive country, according to the World Economic Forum. It also got the highest ranking in the list of happiest countries (1990s average), according to the Happiness Foundation. More.
Videos of talks by Juergen Schmidhuber
Robot Learning Artificial Curiosity Video on humanoid research with iCub baby robot in Juergen Schmidhuber's lab
Feedback Network Reinforcement Learning The RNN Book
Subgoal learning Pybrain Machine Learning Library
Evolution Evolino for time series prediction RNN-Evolution Genetic Programming SSA learns a complex task involving two agents and two keys Optimal Ordered Problem Solver Universal AI Goedel machine Theory of Beauty and Low- complexity Art Randomness and Kolmogorov complexity
Speed Prior
Computing the Universe
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