FAST: The Most Efficient Way of Computing Everything next up previous contents
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FAST: The Most Efficient Way of Computing Everything

Subsection 6.1 focused on SIMPLE ``steps'' allocated for instructions of single string-generating algorithms. Note that each such step may require numerous ``micro-steps'' for the computational overhead introduced by the need for organizing internal storage. For example, quickly growing space requirements for storing all strings may force a dovetailing TM to frequently shift its writing and scanning heads across large sections of its internal tapes. This may consume more time than necessary.

To overcome potential slow-downs of this kind, and to optimize the TM-specific ``constant factor,'' we will slightly modify an optimal search algorithm called ``Levin search'' [#!Levin:73!#,#!Levin:84!#,#!Adleman:79!#,#!LiVitanyi:97!#] (see [#!Schmidhuber:97nn!#,#!Wiering:96levin!#,#!Schmidhuber:97bias!#] for the first practical applications we are aware of). Essentially, we will strip Levin search of its search aspects and apply it to possibly infinite objects. This leads to the most efficient (up to a constant factor depending on the TM) algorithm for computing all computable bitstrings.

FAST Algorithm : For $i = 1, 2, \ldots$ perform PHASE i:

PHASE i: Execute 2i - l(p) instructions of all program prefixes p satisfying $l(p) \leq i$, and sequentially write the outputs on adjacent sections of the output tape, separated by blanks.

Following Levin [#!Levin:73!#], within 2k+1 TM steps, each of order O(1) ``micro-steps'' (no excessive computational overhead due to storage allocation etc.), FAST will generate all prefixes xn satisfying $Kt(x_n) \leq k$, where xn's Levin complexity Kt(xn) is defined as

\begin{displaymath}Kt(x_n) = \min_q\{ l(q) + log~t(q,x_n)\},

where program prefix q computes xn in t(q,xn) time steps. The computational complexity of the algorithm is not essentially affected by the fact that PHASE $i = 2, 3, \ldots $, repeats the computation of PHASE i-1 which for large i is approximately half as short (ignoring nonessential speed-ups due to halting programs if there are any).

One difference between SIMPLE and FAST is that SIMPLE may allocate steps to algorithms with a short description less frequently than FAST. Suppose no finite algorithm computes x faster than pk which needs at most f(n) instructions for xn, for all n. While SIMPLE needs 2k+1 f(n) steps to compute xn, following Levin [#!Levin:73!#] it can be shown that FAST requires at most 2K(pk)+1f(n) steps -- compare [#!LiVitanyi:97!#, p. 504 ff]. That is, SIMPLE and FAST share the same order of time complexity (ignoring SIMPLE's ``micro-steps'' for storage organization), but FAST's constant factor tends to be better.

Note that an observer A evolving in one of the universes computed by FAST might decide to build a machine that simulates all possible computable universes using FAST, and so on, recursively. Interestingly, this will not necessarily cause a dramatic exponential slowdown: if the n-th discrete time step of A's universe (compare Example 1.1) is computable within O(n) time then A's simulations can be as fast as the ``original'' simulation, save for a constant factor. In this sense a ``Great Programmer'' [#!Schmidhuber:97brauer!#] who writes a program that runs all possible universes would not be superior to certain nested Great Programmers inhabiting his universes.

To summarize: the effort required for computing all computable objects simultaneously does not prevent FAST from computing each object essentially as quickly as its fastest algorithm. No other dovetailer can have a better order of computational complexity. This suggests a notion of describability that is much more restricted yet perhaps much more natural than the one used in the earlier sections on description size-based complexity.

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Juergen Schmidhuber

Related links: In the beginning was the code! - Zuse's thesis - Life, the universe, and everything - Generalized Algorithmic Information - Speed Prior - The New AI